43 research outputs found

    Higher Auslander algebras of type A\mathbb{A} and the higher Waldhausen S⁑\operatorname{S}-constructions

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    These notes are an expanded version of my talk at the ICRA 2018 in Prague, Czech Republic; they are based on joint work with Tobias Dyckerhoff and Tashi Walde. In them we relate Iyama's higher Auslander algebras of type A\mathbb{A} to Eilenberg--Mac Lane spaces in algebraic topology and to higher-dimensional versions of the Waldhausen S⁑\operatorname{S}-construction from algebraic KK-theory.Comment: 16 pages. The author's contribution to the Proceedings of the ICRA 2018, v.2 minor edits following referee repor

    nn-abelian and nn-exact categories

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    We introduce nn-abelian and nn-exact categories, these are analogs of abelian and exact categories from the point of view of higher homological algebra. We show that nn-cluster-tilting subcategories of abelian (resp. exact) categories are nn-abelian (resp. nn-exact). These results allow to construct several examples of nn-abelian and nn-exact categories. Conversely, we prove that nn-abelian categories satisfying certain mild assumptions can be realized as nn-cluster-tilting subcategories of abelian categories. In analogy with a classical result of Happel, we show that the stable category of a Frobenius nn-exact category has a natural (n+2)(n+2)-angulated structure in the sense of Gei\ss-Keller-Oppermann. We give several examples of nn-abelian and nn-exact categories which have appeared in representation theory, commutative ring theory, commutative and non-commutative algebraic geometry.Comment: 58 pages. Corrected an error in Thm 3.20 and Lemma 3.22 and several typos. Accepted for publication in Mathematische Zeitschrif

    Ο„\tau-tilting finite algebras, bricks and gg-vectors

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    The class of support Ο„\tau-tilting modules was introduced to provide a completion of the class of tilting modules from the point of view of mutations. In this article we study Ο„\tau-tilting finite algebras, i.e. finite dimensional algebras AA with finitely many isomorphism classes of indecomposable Ο„\tau-rigid modules. We show that AA is Ο„\tau-tilting finite if and only if very torsion class in mod  A\mod A is functorially finite. We observe that cones generated by gg-vectors of indecomposable direct summands of each support Ο„\tau-tilting module form a simplicial complex Ξ”(A)\Delta(A). We show that if AA is Ο„\tau-tilting finite, then Ξ”(A)\Delta(A) is homeomorphic to an (nβˆ’1)(n-1)-dimensional sphere, and moreover the partial order on support Ο„\tau-tilting modules can be recovered from the geometry of Ξ”(A)\Delta(A). Finally we give a bijection between indecomposable Ο„\tau-rigid AA-modules and bricks of AA satisfying a certain finiteness condition, which is automatic for Ο„\tau-tilting finite algebras.Comment: 29 pages. Changed title. Added Theorem 6.5 and Proposition 6.

    Derived equivalences of upper-triangular ring spectra via reflection functors

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    We use the generalised Bernstein-Gelfand-Ponomarev reflection functors constructed in joint work with Dyckerhoff and Walde to extend a theorem of Ladkani concerning derived equivalences between upper-triangular matrix rings from ordinary rings to ring spectra. Our result also extends an analogous theorem of Maycock for differential graded algebras.Comment: 5 pages. Changed title. Added reference to previous work of Maycock and other minor edit